2695. Around 4" diameter, take a look at Neatorama for more guesses and a chance to win a T-shirt:
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2696. Sent in by someone who found a number of these in central Pennsylvania, local industries have included foundries, brick making, railroad, coal-fired power plant, and coal mining. Dimensions are 3-1/2" sq. x 6-1/4" h. The sheet metal case is lined with asbestos which is blackened with soot. There are traces of ash in the bottom.
2697. Approximately 3"-5" long:
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2698. 27" long:
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2699. 10" long:
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2695. This is a Scandanavian nutcracker:
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2696. No answer yet for this item:
2697. These are all Inuit net spacing gauges, similar ones can be seen in lot #154 on this page:
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2698. This is an animal poke that is missing the part that goes around the animal's neck, the same type of device can be seen in patent number 49,071:
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2699. This is a babbitt bearing scraper, a similar tool can be seen in use on this site:
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Below is another bearing scraper that was posted here a few years ago:
2700. A reaper that was used for harvesting grain, this device would cut and bundle the crops, as seen in this video:
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To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile, please include dimensions, any text on the item, and where it was found.
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