Happy Thanksgiving!
2719. 12" long:

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2720. The longest piece is 5/8" long, take a look at Neatorama for more guesses and a chance to win a T-shirt:

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2721. 5" tall, the holes go all the way through:

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2722. 7" tall:

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2723. Sent in by a visitor:

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2724. Submitted by someone who is looking to find the purpose of this tool:

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2719. A vintage ballot box, the card next to it said, "GAR members would vote with black and white marbles in local elections with ballot boxes such as this one. The meaning of the initials is unknown. The canteen was made to resemble those used by soldiers during the Civil War."

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2720. These are Ninja rocks, which are actually broken shards of a spark plug. "Since they can quickly and almost silently fracture the glass windows on most cars, ninja rocks are increasingly the tool of choice in "smash-and-grab" auto burglaries. They have no traditional association with the ninja or ninjutsu, only being named such due to their "silent but deadly" function in burglaries. In California as of 2003, ninja rocks are explicitly listed as burglary tools, and their possession with intent to burglarize is a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in county jail and/or a fine of up to $1000."
This video shows their effect on a car window compared to a rock and metal nut:

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2721. This is part of a frame that holds a fishing net:

Thanks to Ron in Michigan for this photo
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2722. A crystal radio from the 1920s:

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2723. A Greenlee circle cutter for use on sheet metal by electricians and machinists:

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2724. No verifiable answer yet for this tool, most common guess is that it's for reloading ammo:

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Are you interested in Old Tools and Tool Collecting? Want to learn more about tools, and meet some great people who have the same interests? Please take a minute to check out the Mid-West Tool Collectors Web Site at this link: www.mwtca.org.

To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile, please include dimensions, any text on the item, and where it was found.
Last week's set is seen below, click here to view the entire post.

More discussion and comments on these photos can be found at the newsgroup rec.puzzles.
2719: portable foot heater-humidifier? from a Railroad?
ReplyDelete2720: Insulator?
2721: Deadeye?
2724: for corking small (presumably medicinal) bottles?
2720 is an electric insulator-shirt; heres lookin at euclid
ReplyDelete2719: Used only for votes within the GAR Post itself - not for public elections. F. C. & L. means Fraternity, Charity, & Loyalty - a salutation still used by the Sons of Union Veterans.
ReplyDeleteWe hope that a frank and candid manner to inform the progress of this project to the community. This is not ideal, but I know some of you had BlizzCon demo team death match.cheap diablo 3 gold
ReplyDeleteNice collection you have here. I have no idea about half of these pieces :))
ReplyDeleteCei care doresc sa faca economie atunci cand se hotarasc sa achizitioneze o imprimanta, pot sa aleaga dintr-o lista considerabila de imprimante second hand, dintre care o multime sunt la oferta.
Iar daca doriti calculatoare second hand cu garantie 12 luni va rugam sa accesati magazinul online.
ReplyDeleteGood evening from Germany,
ReplyDeletesorry for my bad English. –
I am 74 years old, have studied mathematics, physics and musicology.
Until 3 years ago I worked as a mathematician at the Hessian Ministry of Education in Wiesbaden (Germany).
Now I am writing a scientific (primarily historical and mathematical) book with the short preliminary title "The secret ballot box with marbles, worldwide yesterday and today".
In my research I found your ballot box(es) http://55tools.blogspot.de/2012/11/set-468.html .
Please do you allow to cite the short appropriate text and the two pictures (if you wish monochrome)?
I mention the source if you allow.
Many thanks in advance for your answer.
Kind regards
Ingeborg Strauss
ReplyDeleteFeel free to cite the ballot box and use the color photos. I do not own the box, and forget where I took the photos, it may have been at a museum.
Best of luck with your book.