2869. 1-3/4" diameter:

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The next four items were all sent in by visitors who are looking to identify them.
2870. Made of solid brass:

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2872. 3" long:


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2874. Around 8" long:

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2869. This is a spark tester for a small engine, a modern version of it can be seen on this page:

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2870. No answer yet for this brass item:

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2871. Also no luck yet on this piece of hardware:

2872. This is a cabinet gauge for setting the depth of cut on a woodworking plane or jointer, the part on the upper left is connected to the indicator needle and gives readouts from 0-1 mm. The word Schwarz'sche breaks up into the name "Schwarz" and the ending 'sche is older german language, it means that something is built or constructed after a development or a patent invented by a man with the last Name "Schwarz". The word Präzis translates to precise or accurate and Schrankmesslehre means cabinet gauge.

2873. Haven't yet found the exact purpose of this clip.

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2874. A Campbell Hauseld Air Chisel/Hammer, similar chisels that could have been used with it can be seen here:

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To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile, please include dimensions, any text on the item, and where it was found.
Last week's set is seen below, click here to view the entire post.

More discussion and comments on these photos can be found at the newsgroup rec.puzzles.
2874 cries pneumatic jackhammer
ReplyDelete2869 is a small engine spark tester.
ReplyDelete2874 looks like it's missing a piece.
ReplyDelete2874's grip and body looks like that of an impact wrench, and I've never seen anything else built in that style, but if it is then it's missing a lot of parts on the business end.
ReplyDelete2874 is a pneumatic air hammer. The only thing it is missing is the tool bit (chisel, blunt hammer, sheetmetal slicer, ect).
ReplyDeleteyep....I have three of 'em in my tool box
Delete2873 Possibly a holder for a barber's razor strop.