3229. 20" long:

3230. Text on it says that it holds five gallons:

3231. 7" long:

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3232. Take a look at Neatorama for more guesses on this tool and a chance to win a T-shirt.

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3233. 7-1/2" long:

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3234. 5" long:

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3229. This tool is for stripping the leaves from sorghum cane, patent number 61,940:

3230. This is a can for carrying fuel. Farm tractors would burn gasoline, kerosene and other types of fuel that were delivered by trucks. For those that did not have underground storage, the fuel usually had to be carried into a small shed and poured into 50 gallon barrels. The delivery truck had a small counter mounted on it and each time a 5 gallon container was filled the counter was advanced one notch. Similar containers can be seen here.

3231. A General Motors rear brake adjuster strut, as seen in this Mitchell service document.

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3232. This is a pineapple eye snip, for removing the eyes when peeling them, patent number 681,339.

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3233. No answer yet for this tool:

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3234. Also no verifiable answer for this item:

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To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile, please include dimensions, any text on the item, and where it was found.
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3234: for forcefeeding ducks in the production of foie gras?