1453. Approximately 6" long, pushing the knob on the right moves the needle on the gauge:

Larger image

1454. Submitted by a visitor who would like to know exactly what this was used for:

The square-jawed chuck measures no more than 1/2":

1455. 14" long, patented in 1868:

The patent drawing for this tool:

1456. 3-1/2" tall:

The idea for this one is to name the purpose of the metal bottle and compartment in the top of the case:

1457. 20" long, take a look at Neatorama for more guesses and a chance to win a T-shirt.

Larger image
1458. 33" tall:

11" tall:

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More discussion and comments on these photos can be found at the newsgroup rec.puzzles.
1453. Does the dial return to zero after the lever is released?
ReplyDelete1454. I suspect that it if for swaging something onto the end of a rope, cable or hose.
1455. Another crate opening tool?
1456. I'd guess that the bottle in the bottom is a burner to keep something in the tray in the top warm. What is suppoed to be kept warm is the question. Maybe something military and medical. The luminescent dot looks military, the stainless steel finish doesn't. Seems to point to medical. Sterilizing needles perhaps? Keeping morphine from freezing?
1456: Ink bottle and Inkwell? In a case for portability.
ReplyDelete1455 is a barbed wire fencing tool
ReplyDelete1456 is a field sterilizer for hypodermic needles.
Bottle is an alcohol burner: top is tray for needles.
This is WW1 vintage, I think.
1454 is a Knurling tool
ReplyDelete1455 is a staple puller
1458 is a Golf Course Cup hole Auger
1454. It looks to me like it is for making a dowel end on a square piece of stock.
ReplyDelete1454 is a sausage maker!
ReplyDelete1454. Dowel/spoke sharpener for either furniture or wagon/old car wheel manufacture.
ReplyDelete1456. agreed, field sterilizer.
1453: Now I'm really curious. I had originaly figured that the outer ring was a vernier, but it isn't: it has the same spacing as the inner ring and is adjustable.
ReplyDelete1454 has a helical rotating blade that looks like a pencil sharpener. i guess its used for shaving pencils.
ReplyDelete1454. i would venture a guess that this machine was used to create tapered ends on various objects.