Thursday, December 18, 2008

Set 263

For first time visitors I recommend this archive for some of my best posts.

Next week I'm planning to post on Friday the 26th, since Thursday is Christmas.

1489. 32" long:

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Attached to the bottom of the eyepieces are two small mirrors that are mounted at 45 degree angles, they reflect towards the two larger mirrors that are directly over the round metal plates.

The mechanical pencil can be moved in any direction:

1490. 9" tall, circa 1908:

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1491. 5-1/4" long:

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1492.4" and 6-1/2" long, two glass vials that are sealed on both ends, they were sent in by a visitor from Europe who is looking to find out what they are for:

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1493. 7-3/4" long, another unidentified device that was submitted by a visitor, it was found with a load of machine shop tools:

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1494. 12-7/8" tall:

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To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile.

Last week's set is seen below, click here to view the entire post.

More discussion and comments on these photos can be found at the newsgroup rec.puzzles.


  1. 1489 - Vynil long play maker

  2. 1489: For drawing topographic lines on maps using stereo pairs of aerial photographs?

  3. 1490 - mousetrap
    And agreee with the topo map drawing device.

  4. 1494 is a "Salesman's Sample" a model of a coal stove use to show to prospective customers

  5. 1492. It's a glass syringe plunger. They were all like this before plastic.

    1494. Coal fired boiler.

  6. Correct answers so far:

    1489. Aerial photograph map topographic map device.

    1490. Mouse trap

    1492. Syringe plungers

    1494. Salesman's sample coal furnace

  7. 1493: hinge that is attached by welding
