Thursday, February 5, 2009

Set 270

For first time visitors I recommend this archive for some of my best posts.

1531. Approximately 1" square:

1532. 14" long:

Larger image

1533. 7-1/2" long, an unidentified tool that was sent in by a visitor:

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1534. The blades are around 5" to 6" long:

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1535. This stand adjusts from 22" to 34" tall, submitted by someone who is looking to find the original purpose of it:

1536. 10" long, another unidentified device sent in by a visitor:

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The owner's description: The thumb plate makes electrical contacts in the top unit, ie. the two outlets on the side. The trigger makes electrical contact with the two round outlets on the bottom.

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To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile.

Last week's set is seen below, click here to view the entire post.

More discussion and comments on these photos can be found at the newsgroup rec.puzzles.


  1. 1532 is a Radio Frequency signal generator.
    1534 is a gas turbine rotor.
    1535 is a typewriter stand that is missing the flat "top" that the typewriter sits on.

  2. I agree with 1534 and 1535.
    I think 1536 is probably a starter pistol that starts an electric timing system.

  3. 1532 -- am radio receiver

    1532 -- I don't think that it is a rf generator (it has a set of headphones attached, which would be useless for a generator), possible a wide band receiver. The frequency is indicated in hertz, not cycles, so it would be after 1960ish also looks military, so probably Vietnam era

    I agree with the gas turbine rotor and typewriter stand.

  4. 1531.
    Maybe the tiny circuitry for a "talking" toy, greeting card, etc.
    Heavy brass construction and markings hint this may be an arming and firing control for a large naval gun (cannon), maybe Japanese.

  5. 1532 might be a hearing tester.

  6. 1531 looks like a "bug" to me.

  7. 1531: Hand-constructed device designed to be small. From who does that sort of thing and the visible components, I guess it's an amateur radio transmitter, or receiver.
