Thursday, February 19, 2009

Set 272

For first time visitors I recommend this archive for some of my best posts.

1543. Approximately 20" long:

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1544. 11-1/2" long:

1545. Submitted from New Zealand by someone looking for information on this tool:

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1547. 28" long, take a look at Neatorama for more guesses on this device:

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1548. 8-1/2" long, another unidentified tool sent in by a visitor:

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Last week I made a new quiz page, this time the subject is farm tools, regular readers of this site will recognize a lot of them but there are a few that haven't been posted here before. Link


To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile.

Last week's set is seen below, click here to view the entire post.

More discussion and comments on these photos can be found at the newsgroup rec.puzzles.


  1. 1546 is a hay loader from the Horse & Buggy days.
    It was pulled behind the hay wagon and it gathered the hay from the ground, sending it up the incline by "walkers" (there are a couple missing in the picture) dropping it onto the rear of the hay wagon. Workers then forked it to the front of the wagon. Dirty Job!

  2. 1548 is a Tubing Expander used to expand the ends of tubing to seal it in a head plate. Possibly used on boiler tubes of a steam engine.

  3. 1543 Early mimeograph machine

  4. 1547 is a Mole Gun.

  5. 1547 actually take that back. It's a Hillary Clinton Douchebag

  6. I just wanted to let you know that I have added you to my Blog roll on my site Common Man Thinks. I hope you are okay with it. :)

    Vishal Sharma
