3043. 7" long, take a look at Neatorama for more guesses and a chance to win a T-shirt.

3044. 4" square:

3045. Sent in by a visitor:

3046. 16" long:

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3047. Around 6" long:

3048. 11" long:

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3043. This is an automobile valve spring compressor, patent number 1,614,218

3044. A protective cover for concrete reinforcement bars, also called a rebar cap

3045. A potato planter, it can be seen in use on this page, patent number 634,483:

3046. An adjustable fire hydrant wrench, instructions for its use can be seen here.

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3047. A shoe maker's corrugated burnisher for use on heels or the edges of thick soles:

3048. A BK battery kit, for holding tools and water for car battery maintenance:

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To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile, please include dimensions, any text on the item, and where it was found.
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More discussion and comments on these photos can be found at the newsgroup rec.puzzles.
3044 - cap for exposed rebar ends so you don't impale yourself?
Delete3046 This is an older type of fire hydrant wrench. The round hole in the end is for use on the earlier fire hose butts that had round protruding lugs.
ReplyDeleteGood answer
Delete3043 Looks like yet another incarnation of an automotive valve spring compressor.
ReplyDeleteValve spring compressor is right
DeleteAgree on 3044 - Safety Cap for ends of bolts or rebar
ReplyDeleteAgree on 3046 - Hydrant Wrench, it also is a spanner wrench for large suction hose with pin type lugs.
3045 - Seed planter
ReplyDelete3047 - shoemaker's burnishing tool
3048 - auto battery testing implement carrier
3048 not "testing implement carrier", distilled water carrier, missing its bulb syringes. It is a tank.
Delete3046 looks like part of a tractor attachment. Like if you had a brush hog. That looped end goes to a hook on the chassis. The other end, the bar end, is attached to the mower with a pin that goes through and a cotter pin to secure the large bolt/pin
ReplyDeleteAnd 3047 is a shoemakers peg break with a burnishing tool.
This tool makes it easy to replace valve seals, valves, springs, and retainers. The tool is attached to the head with 2 cam tower bolts. Once the tool is attached to the head you put a retainer cap (comes with kit) on the retainer/spring(s) you want change next you tighten a bolt that will push down on the retainer allowing you to easily remove the keepers. Next simply UN-tighten the bolt and remove the retainer cap to remove the spring(s).You can use this tool with the head on the block.The tool is made so you can use your factory cam tower bolts that you removed when removing the cam tower.
ReplyDeleteSubaru Valve Spring Compressor