2905. 22" long, take a look at Neatorama for more guesses and a chance to win one of their funny T-shirts.
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2906. 36" long:
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2907. 8" long, text on this tool reads "CS-2 Universal, Voss Mfg & Dist Co, Downs Kans":
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2908. 14" long:
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2909. 24" long, text on it says "Snow and Nealley":
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2910. 4" long:
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2905. This is a hops sampler, they were used for taking a parcel of hops out of the bale – a square was cut with a knife, and the sampler inserted to pull out a cube of hops:
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2906. "Her majesty's excise and customs boxwood and steel barrel slide caliper rule":
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2907. No answer yet for this tool:
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2908. A garden weeder:
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2909. A bark spud for removing bark from a tree, patent number 2,693,028:
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2910. This is a lumberjack's warning signal trigger, the two nuts were connected to wire that led to a siren. When a tree was to fall or any danger was noticed the two wooden parts were pressed together, this would close the electric circuit and the siren would sound the necessary warning.
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To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile, please include dimensions, any text on the item, and where it was found.
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