2383. Approximately 24" diameter:
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2384. Probably a library book divider that fits into a track under a shelf:
2385. 7" long:
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2386. 43" long:
Someone submitted these photos, looking to find the purpose of the brackets between the wheels:
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2387. About 6" long, take a look at Neatorama for more guesses and a chance to win a T-shirt:
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2388. The box is about 32" long:
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2383. A factory timeclock from the 1890s:
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2384. No answer yet for this item:
2385. A steak tenderizer:
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2386. Haven't been able to verify any of the guesses for this one:
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2387. A raisin seeder, patent number 467,367:
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2388. A Coston Line-Throwing Shoulder Gun, it can fire the projectiles about 250 feet, used for throwing a line from ship to ship or for rescue operations:
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The cartridges are .45 cal. 70 grs. powder:
The canisters contain 400 feet of line:
The barrel cleaner, ramrod, and spindles:
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To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile, please include dimensions, any text on the item, and where it was found.
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