2617. The larger ones are about 8" diameter, take a look at Neatorama for more guesses and a chance to win a T-shirt:
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The next three were sent in by visitors.
2618. 1-1/2" diameter:
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2619. Submitted by someone who is looking to find the purpose of these items:
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2620. Approximately 4" long:
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2621. 6" long:
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2622. 10" long:
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2617. These are hitching blocks, they were carried in buggies and wagons to hitch horses to when there were no trees in the area.
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2618. A reflector from a strap-on head lamp.
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2619. These were used to clean drain pipes, a number of people have said that they are also used by electricians as fish tape for pulling wire:
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The rollers would help guide it around bends in the pipe:
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2620. A queen bee cage used for shipping, in transit the queen was accompanied by several workers who would attend to her:
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2621. A door stop alarm
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2622. A holder for the collapsed roof of an early convertible car:
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To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile, please include dimensions, any text on the item, and where it was found.
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More discussion and comments on these photos can be found at the newsgroup rec.puzzles.