3013. 48" tall:
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3014. Sent in by a visitor who is looking to identify this tool:
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3017. 13-1/4" long, the two prongs rotate back and forth as the handle is pushed and pulled, take a look at Neatorama for more guesses and a chance to win a T-shirt.
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3018. 7" diameter:
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3013. This is a barley cleaner, if a farmer wanted to save some barley for seed he could use this device to remove the chaff and light grains:
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3014. Based on the way this tool is attached to the handle, it's probably a brush hook, though it could have been used for other purposes at a farm such as cutting corn stalks:
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3015. Matech OGU83 sights for military rifles:
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3016. A lensometer, also called a lensmeter or focimeter, it was used by optometrists and opticians to verify the correct prescription in a pair of eyeglasses, to properly orient and mark uncut lenses, and to confirm the correct mounting of lenses in spectacle frames.
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3017. This is a J. M. Fox Iron Works valve grinder, used to ensure that automotive valves are properly seated:
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3018. According to this site, this is a submarine diving gauge, though a lot of people have suggested that it is actually a demonstration model of an attitude indicator that was used for training aircraft pilots:
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