Happy Thanksgiving!
2407. 18" long:
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2408. 12" long, sent in by a visitor who is looking to identify this tool:
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2409. 11" tall, submitted by a visitor who would like to find the purpose for this device:
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2410. 12" long:
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2411. 15" long:
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2412. 10" tall:
2407. An Essex hot air engine, 1/40th hp, it was used to run a fan or other small device, patent number 723,660:
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The fuel tank and burner:
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2408. Haven't been able to verify this one, looks like some kind of garden tool:
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2409. Also no luck yet finding an answer for this device:
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2410. A welder's chipping hammer or slag hammer:
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2411. A Victor carpet stretcher, patent number 402,953:
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A few months ago I shot this unidentified tool at the flea market and was planning to post it to see if anyone could provide an answer:
2412. A blow torch that was used on the early hit/miss oilfield gasoline engines, it kept the hot tube heated enough to ignite the main charge of fuel. This accomplished the ignition before they started using spark plugs or igniter ignition systems, as seen in the video below:
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To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile, please include dimensions, any text on the item, and where it was found.
Last week's set is seen below, click here to view the entire post.
More discussion and comments on these photos can be found at the newsgroup rec.puzzles.