2101. 10" long:
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2102. This tool was submitted by a visitor who would like to find the exact purpose of it:
From Scotty Fulton's collection
2103. This cabinet was made to hold something in particular:
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2104. 22" long:
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2105. 11-1/4" long:
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2106. 9" long:
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2101. A woodworker's rabbet plane or rebate plane, for cutting a groove or shoulder along the edge of a piece of wood:
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2102. Haven't been able to verify any of these guesses for this tool:
-for shaping sheet metal
-a flatter and fuller hammer
-for use as a lever
-bookbinder's hammer
From Scotty Fulton's collection
2103. A cabinet for storing Edison phonograph cylinders:
2104. A trivet for protecting a table from hot food containers:
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2105. An eaves trough hanger, similar to patent number 232,293:
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2106. A clevis, used for hooking up a plow or other farm implement, as seen in this photo:
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I've been to a lot of tractor shows but I've never seen a 1954 Fordson Major at one:
Update: I've been informed that those unique wheels are not part of the normal Major. They are called a "Rotopad" and were an aftermarket conversion.
To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile.
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More discussion and comments on these photos can be found at the newsgroup rec.puzzles.
2101 : molding plane
ReplyDelete2101 - I would think more of a rabbet plane than a molding plane
ReplyDelete2102 - It looks like a blacksmith combined his flatter & fuller hammers into a single tool. Pretty neat idea if it was.
2106 - Combo brass knuckles/thumb screw? Actually it looks like a test tube rack.
2105 An eave trough (gutter) hanger.
ReplyDelete2103 - Looks like it's a cabinet to hold petri dishes or other specimen containers.
ReplyDelete2103 - If the drawers are deep enough they may hold Edison recording cylinders.
ReplyDelete2106 is an adjustable clevis for use on a horse drawn plow or other implement. The holes are for adjusting the draft angle so the plow will run straight.
ReplyDeleteWhatever 2105 is for it looks like it's made out of a coat hanger.
ReplyDeleteas 2 people have said, 2101 is eithre a molding or a rabbit plane, you can't really tell from the photos - you'd have to see the sole, and/or the iron of the plane
ReplyDeleteWhat is interesting is that the fence cheek seems to be quite crudely attached/added
2101- a bookbinder's plane?