3133. 6-3/8" long:
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3134. The base is about 12" long:
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3135. 18" tall, submitted by a visitor who is looking to identify this device, there are wires on both sides:
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3136. 10" long:
3137. The inside dimension is about 3-1/2":
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The part marked "A" does not represent a piece of wood:
3138. 8" long, take a look at Neatorama for more guesses and a chance to win a T-shirt.
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3133. The most common suggestion for this device is that it's a leather skiving tool, for thinning pieces of leather, though it could be a basket maker's shave.
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3134. A nut cracker:
3135. This is a Chitarra pasta maker:
3136. A tool for scraping frost from a freezer:
3137. A plane guide, the patent states, "...the plane is steadied in squaring or beveling to any desired angle without the use of a try-square or bevel," patent number 146,208:
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The part labeled "A" represents a wood plane:
3138. This is a corn husker, according to patent number 27,638, "...it both strips off the husks and severs the ear from the stalk."
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It doesn't look exactly like the patent drawing because like many other tools, its design was modified several times over the years after it was patented.
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To submit photos, send them to the address in my profile, please include dimensions, any text on the item, and where it was found.
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More discussion and comments on these photos can be found at the newsgroup rec.puzzles.
3133: A leather skiver for taking straps and making them thinner or splitting them into two straps?
ReplyDelete3135 is a cutter to make noodles, or spaghetti
ReplyDelete3136 is an ice shaver to make sno-cones
3135 - might be used in a woolen mill loom
ReplyDelete3136 - Precurser to a defroster for an ice box. used to scrape ice from the freezer section of the refrigerator. The cup would collect the residue.
Regarding the Corn Husker, it looks remarkably like the drawing in an earlier patent.
That's the exact same patent already posted with the answer, did you have an earlier one that you meant to post?